Large Association of Movie Blogs
Large Association of Movie Blogs

Saturday, March 30, 2024

April 6 in Orinda: The Rite Of Psychotronix Spring!

A week from today, April 6, the Psychotronix Film Festival returns to the Orinda Theater for a scintillating springtime extravaganza.

We celebrate April Fool's Day a few days late and the birthday of movie comedian Grady Sutton a day early!

Time to celebrate Easter retroactively and the right way - the Psychotronic way, starting with Bugs Bunny!

The Psychotronix Film Festival is baaaaaaaaaaaack - with yet another devastatingly delirious deluge drawn from Our Celluloid Past!

The April 6 program will be as refreshing as springtime!

And, indeed, what would spring be without pickles?

Our overstocked 16mm archive is bursting at the acetate seams yet again with some of the coolest odd-ball films you are likely to see.

What would a Psychotronix Film Festival be without classic TV ads and Soundies?

And kidvid gone wrong, terribly wrong?

The place: Orinda Theater
2 Orinda Theatre Square, Orinda, CA 94563
The time: 8:30 p.m. PST
Orinda Theater Movieline: (925) 254-9060

Attendees at the Orinda Theater show note: a few weeks after kicking off April with a cool Psychotronix show there, we shall get the merry month of May off to a roaring start with a KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival at Foothill College in the Los Altos Hills.

Yes, Virginia Mayo and Virginia Weidler, there will be a "Mayday" KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival - 31 years, 5 months after our first show - at Room 5015 on Foothill College on May 4.

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