Today, am most thrilled and delighted to still be walking the earth, drinking a nice hot cup of black coffee and available to write Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog's 1000th post here in the freezing Northeast (Kingston, in the Hudson Valley, Ulster County, NY) on a Sunday afternoon.
That Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog lasted this long is regarded here with no small amount of amazement, given that this blogger was fully expecting to run out of stuff to write about or get totally and inextricably mired in the following occupational hazard around post #172.

Quoting post #1 from 2006. . . "WTF will I be talking about here in my impassioned yet infrequent posts? I am obsessed with comedy".

Guilty as charged and only a tad more discreet than lecherous burlesque comic Bobby Clark is (IIRC) with the legendary Gypsy Rose Lee in this photo.

The first post, "Oh No - Another Entry To The Blogosphere," continued. . . "will periodically jabber on about music, just about all from the pre-MTV era, those halcyon days before marketing came first and music came second."
Another one of my obsessions is the movie musical, whether a Busby Berkeley surrealism-and-cheesecake fest. . .
"a big budget Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly extravaganza"
"a 1932 Vitaphone Musical short"
"Soundies and other musical goodies from the 40's. . .
"or mid-1960's Scopitones, crammed with bee-hived bikinied dancers, supporting the inimitable Debbie Reynolds as she belts out her Las Vegas floor show version of "If I Had A Hammer."
What other topics do we still like after 1000 posts? Well, we love screwy inventions!
Somehow, in 1000 at Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog, certain 20th century inventions have escaped us: for example, from the pages of Life Magazine, the "external turkey roaster."

The following amphibious bicycle is both thou swell and most bitchen and really should have been used by Lloyd Bridges at some point on the Sea Hunt TV show.

Let's finish this 1000th post and get on with the next 1000 via a clip of two guys we like a great deal: David Bowie and Peter Frampton.
Whenever this blogmeister's in a lousy mood, quality time spent with the complete Glass Spider Tour concert (which both of these fellows are on), as well as the former's Live at the BBC Radio Theatre and the latter's Festival de Viña del Mar 2008 concert will get us back on the good foot (if not My Pal Foot Foot) in short order.
1 comment:
Congratulations on your achievement, Paul!
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