Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog will get a little less lazy later this week and contribute to the 2016 Joan Crawford Blogathon, hosted by Crystal of In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.

While this is very likely the last blogathon we shall participate in this year, Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog much looks forward to reviewing The Women, director George Cukor's and screenwriters Anita Loos' and Jane Murfin's vehicle for big budget MGM splendor and a slew of iconic movie stars and character actresses - led by a strong performance by Crawford.
While the tendency among pop culture vultures has, unfortunately, been to sink deeply and inexorably in the quicksand of Joan's often fabricated offscreen legend rather than enjoy her onscreen work, it's clear looking over her career - from those first appearances in silent movies to her last roles in 1960's TV shows and William Castle films - that Miss Crawford was a fascinating onscreen presence in many ways, as well as the hardest working gal in showbiz.

If an NFL running back, she would surprise everyone (and the coaches) by catching a pass and/or cutting sideways, although her style is to power straight ahead and hit the line hard, fullback-style. More often that not, while imposing and larger-than-life in big screen glory, she's less over-the-top rather than more so and, especially in her film noir period, lets her co-stars have the spotlight.

Here's the lineup of contributors to the Joan Crawford Blogathon. Does Joan Crawford have her fans? Uh. . . yeah, I think so.
Apocalypse Later: Letty Lynton
B Noir Detour: Joan Crawford and Film Noir
Back To Golden Days: Dancing Lady
Christina Wehner: The Unknown
The Cinema Penitentiary Diaries: The Best Of Everything
The Cinematic Catharsis: Strait Jacket
The Cinematic Frontier: Mildred Pierce
Classic Film: Flickers Of Silver and Gold: I Live My Life
Critica Retro: Letty Lynton
Defiant Success: A Woman’s Face
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Prince Of Hollywood: Our Modern Maidens
Film Grimoire: Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?
Finding Franchot: The Bride Wore Red
The Flapper Dame: Daisy Kenyon
The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
Karavansara: Strange Cargo
LA Explorer: Forsaking All Others
Lauren Champkin: Dance Fools Dance
Le Cinema Dreams: Berserk
Leave It To Beaverhausen: Female On The Beach
Little Bits Of Classics: Tramp Tramp Tramp
Meredy.com: Sudden Fear
MIB’S Instant Headache: Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?
The Midnight Drive-In: Reunion In France
Movie Classics: The Damned Don't Cry
Movie Rob: Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?, The Bride Wore Red and The Story Of Esther Costello
Old Hollywood Films: Mannequin
Once Upon A Screen: Possessed
Phyllis Loves Classic Movies: Joan Crawford’s clothes closet
Portraits By Jenni: Above Suspicion
Recap Retro: Joan Crawford in Night Gallery
Shadows And Satin: Dance Fools Dance
A Shroud Of Thoughts: Strait Jacket
Silver Screen Modes: Joan Crawford and Adrian
Silver Screenings: Reunion In France - Starring Joan Crawford As France
Speak Easy: The Queen Bee
Stars and Letters: Joan Crawford and Bette Davis
The Stop Button: Love On The Run
Taking Up Room: Grand Hotel and Mildred Pierce
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest: Humoresque
The Wonderful World Of Cinema: Autumn Leaves
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