Now officially no longer watching Rodney Dangerfield standup comedy routines (at least for a day or two) and clips celebrating the birthday of the incomparable Harry Ritz, we will announce our participation in the first Animals In Film Blogathon.

Big thanks to Crystal of In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood for hosting and allowing the movie-crazed reprobates at Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog to participate.

The rules for posting are pretty clear: National Velvet and International Velvet are cool, but Blue Velvet - well, not so much.

That said, King Kong is not only a-okay but, hallelujah, represented in this blogathon! And it's the 1933 RKO feature with Willis O' Brien's astounding stop-motion animation, not that the crappy 1970's version or those limited animation made-for-TV toons from the mid-1960's.

Our contribution will be all about the Our Gang comedies. The affection and high regard that Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog has for the mini-masterpieces Hal Roach Studios produced starring Our Gang, Laurel & Hardy, Charley Chase, Harold Lloyd and others is entirely undimmed after over five decades, when this writer and many of his contemporaries first saw these films on TV. Our Gang is right in the wheelhouse for the Animals In Film Blogathon because it could be argued that the series' greatest star, especially in the late silent and early talkie eras, was the fabulous Pete The Pup.

We were thrilled to write about Petey and the Gang in an "Unca Paul's Foodie Films" post on the Eat With Annie website and are thrilled to cover the beloved series again.

The lineup for the 2016 Animals In Film Blogathon is as follows:
B Noir Detour - Obsession/ The Hidden Room
Back To Golden Days - Bringing Up Baby
Caftan Woman - A Tiger Walks
Century Film Project - Dog Factory
Christina Wehner - Rhubarb
The Cinematic Frontier - The NeverEnding Story
Cinematic Scribblings - Umberto D
Classic Movie Hub - The Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wonderland
Critica Retro - The Jungle Book
Dreams Are What Le Cinema Is For - The Fox
The Flapper Dame - Toto from "The Wizard Of Oz"
Flickers In Time - Moby Dick
Karavansara - Gorilla At Large
Make Mine Criterion - Very Happy Alexander
Meredy.com - Smoky
The Midnight Drive In - Harvey
Moon In Gemini - Mighty Joe Young
Movie Classics - Broadway Bill and Riding High
Movie Movie Blog Blog - Laurel & Hardy and horses
An Ode To Dust - Buster Keaton - Go West
Old Hollywood Films - The Yearling
Phyllis Loves Classic Movies - The film career of Asta, and Trigger in Son Of Paleface
Portraits By Jenni - Dunstan Checks In
Realweegiemidget Reviews - International Velvet
A Shroud Of Thoughts - The cat from “Breakfast At Tiffany’s"
Silver Screenings - Francis The Talking Mule
Twenty Four Frames - Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog - The Ballad Of Pete The Pup
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest - King Kong
The Wonderful World Of Cinema - Rescued By Rover
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