On May Day, after a five year hiatus, Psychotronic Paul dons his Official Curator fedora and returns to the Edison Theatre at the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum to present a comedy, cartoon and music-drenched program, Great Depression style.

First and foremost, let's answer the salient questions about the May Day extravaganza, featuring cool cartoons, musical clips, comedy shorts and genuine 1929 "naughty flapper" music by chanteuse Kitten On The Keys.

Can one buy advance tickets online? Yeah, baby - RIGHT HERE!

Do members of the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum get a discount? In the immortal words of the San Francisco Giants' beloved right fielder Hunter "The Preacher" Pence, YES YES YES! By all means, become a museum member - they have been and are doing fantastic work. If you adore classic film and especially silents, blow off the multiplexes and support the crew at Niles instead.
What will we show?

The Pre-Code Follies reflects Psychotronic Paul's love for Busby Berkeley, Fleischer Studio and Van Beuren cartoons, lecherous wisecracking comedians, vintage Tin Pan Alley tunes and 1929 musicals featuring scantily clad chorines prancing through way-out production numbers (and yes, all of this writer's enthusiasm for such things is well documented). In the immortal words of Ed Sullivan, the "rilly big shoe" shall include all of the above on 16mm and 35mm a.k.a. FILM, GLORIOUS FILM.

How about that "live in person" performance?

Kitten On The Keys, who knows ALL the ditties from those "dawn of talkies" movie musicals, is a genuine throwback to the sprightly entertainers of yore.
And Kitten will tickle those ivories while singing these great classic tunes between the toons.

How do I get to Niles? Well, with the full understanding that this blog's readers are more tech-savvy than Mr. Blogmeister is, here's the museum's location, 37417 Niles Boulevard, from Google maps.

If we decide to just show up, when should we arrive to get a seat? No later than 7:30, in our estimation.

Is it necessary for me to know how to tap dance like Ruby Keeler in 42ND STREET? No, but it may be necessary to think about doing so.

Can I get in free for knowing who Alice White AND Marjorie White were?

No, but you will receive a copy of the home "Pre-Code Follies" game, provided you have a place to store nitrate film!
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