Spring is almost here, so that means it's time for the customary March or April Psychotronix - yet another happy, hallucinatory excursion through the irritated bowels of popular culture!

We will feature the usual suspects: trailers from B-movies, well-meaning 50's educational films, pretty much anything involving guys in robot and gorilla suits, vintage TV commercials and theatre ads, cartoon rarities, Japanese monster epics, Scopitones, Soundies and other even more obscure musical shorts, silent film clips, etc. In short, a mix that would invariably make the heart of the late Edward D. Wood Jr. go pitty-pat.

The festival is also something of a reaction against all standard rules of film programming. Instead of devoting a screening to one director, one genre or one series, our celluloid concoctions throw a wide variety of films from different places, genres, techniques or time periods together.
As far as content goes, the more obscure, the lower the budget, the more under-the-radar, the better. If we can establish a subject link or a Monty Python-esque visual or verbal link between the segments, great, but this is not absolutely necessary. Or to make a further Monty Python reference, this could be called the "And Now For Something Completely Different" approach to film programming.

Some of our best shows are essentially improvised, with archivist-producers Bob Ekman, Scott Moon and myself creating the program on the fly, responding to audience reaction and choosing films accordingly. We consider the evening a smashing success when the audience starts heckling the feature before the projection lamp goes on.

We are still looking for that version of The Quiet Man co-starring Johnny Rotten, Peter Lawford in drag, Pirro The Clown and The Marquis Chimps

The KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Room 5015 on the Foothill College campus, Los Altos Hills, CA Showtime: 7:00 PM
Admission $5 benefits KFJC 89.7
Parking - $3

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