Large Association of Movie Blogs
Large Association of Movie Blogs

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Psychotronic Paul's Post-Turkey Day Activity

Since I consider shopping about as fun as a colonoscopy sans anesthesia, my immediate post-turkey day activity invariably devolves into passive, slack-jawed television viewing - even if it is watching Richard Pryor clips from Live At The Sunset Strip and Live In Concert on YouTube.

Here's a meditation on that "watching TV" concept from Cinema Insomnia, concept by horror host Mr. Lobo; music, design and vintage film clips by Psychotronic Scott Moon; lead vocals by the king of commercial jingles (as well as 1960's bubblegum pop: The Archies, The Cuff Links, etc.), Ron Dante; inspiration by Creature Features,
The Banana Splits, misunderstood movies and the cheesy re-use of animated chase scenes in Scooby Doo - Where Are You!.

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