For over 15 years, the KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival has presented a film archivist jam session.

The visual music (cacophony?) draws from a wide range of oddly tuned instruments: unintentionally hilarious 1950's commercials and "educational" films, the most bizarre obscure classic cartoons, trailers from the worst movies, double-entendre packed Pre-Code goodies, the cheapest international monster movies, the campiest musical shorts, the most surreal silent movie clips and TV programs that aired once or should never have aired. We don't know what riff we'll play until the show is underway.

We'll be back with another freewheeling improvised program of questionable entertainment on Saturday, June 21.

If you are between the South Bay Area and just south of San Francisco, you can hear us jabber about the festival (A.K.A. attempt to explain something than defies rational explanation), on KFJC 89.7 FM at 6:00 p.m. this very Monday evening, June 16.
Radio personality Robert Emmett of "The Norman Bates Memorial Soundtrack Show" hosts the festivities. Our special guests: direct from TV's Cinema Insomnia, horror host Mr. Lobo and The Queen Of Trash.
Alas, the fabled Room 5015 is slated for major remodeling shortly, so it may be a little while before our next fundraiser for KFJC. We'll give 5015, site of 35 Psychotronix Film Festivals, a fitting sendoff.

What? The KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival
Where? Room 5015, Foothill College campus, Los Altos Hills, CA (El Monte exit off of Highway 280)
When? Saturday June 21, 7:00 to 11:30 PM
Why? We give away a menagerie of cheap door prizes at intermission!

While showtime is 7:00 p.m., get there early - these shows sell out.
Goddammit, Paul, someday you ill do one of these on a day I can make it!
We'll be doing a matinee show at Thrillville on July 5.
What the heck was the name of that tv show with Goldar? I haven't seen it in years.
(eliebson at hotmail.com
This is wonderful blog. I love it.
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