This blog will, as a misbehaving toddler would, be taking a time out; wish it were Dave Brubeck's Time Out and Time Further Out, but nonetheless we shall, like Bing in White Christmas, be counting our blessings. Today's post will be even sloppier than our usual offerings.

Until our return in June, here are cheesy print ads from the two most clicked-on posts from the 15 years of Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog, starting with a brilliant bogus one from the fertile imagination of the king of fake retro ads, Cris Shapan.

Both of the most clicked-on posts were about cheesy print ads (real and fake). Here's a very clever fake from Jack Pollock's 1994 Devil Chef comic book.

Meanwhile, this (fake) Soda Pop Board of America ad makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

While no variant of Potato Fudge took America by storm, no doubt Cris Shapan noticed that Kraft's actual canned spaghetti had some things in common with the super-starchy fake product.
Don't know who created this ad, although one suspects this is yet another Cris Shapan Special. It is, in fact, not far afield from other businesses Mickey launched over the years.

While wondering what the heck besides spuds were ingredients in a "potato shake," we note that Mickey Rooney's Star-B-Q and Weenie World, indeed, were actual ventures.

The good news: Madame Blogmeister, at long last, is home from the hospital and has already made a reference to the song It's A Hap Hap Happy Day (from the Fleischer Studio's Gulliver's Travels).
Also good news: this blog and blogger, knock on wood, shall return in a few weeks.