Saturday, June 08, 2024

Entertainment for World Gin Day

To celebrate World Gin Day, here's some W.C. Fields!

Followed by caricatures of Fields from classic cartoons.

And, inevitably, cartoons involving delirium tremens and elephants!

It just wouldn't be World Gin Day without cartoons starring drunken dogs!

The official World Gin Day website adds: Gin Day was established by England’s own connoisseur of the juniper-based drink, the Gin Monkey. Emma, the titular Gin Monkey, has been a huge fan of cocktails of all kinds and has worked throughout the Newcastle, London, and Leeds area in multiple cocktail bars. Taking this experience to the streets she created her Gin Monkey site, put together with the intent of saving intrepid bar-hoppers from finding the worst of the alcohol joints at their destination.

What is the best way to top off a selection of inebriated film clips curated specifically for World Gin Day? By an entire film about inebriation starring Charlie Chaplin!


  1. The people who refuse to watch films because they are black and white are missing so much.
    Fields was a genius and probably a better gagman than the writers who worked on his films.

  2. Always great to hear from you, Yowp! The idea of NOT watching a film because it's in black & white in particular is heresy to film noir aficionados and fans of Bogey, Garfield and Mitchum.

    Couldn't agree more about the brilliance of W.C. Fields! Bought one of the Fields DVD box sets (the Paramount one) and it is outstanding!

    When I was a junior high student way back when, W.C. Fields, the Marx Brothers and to a lesser degree Mae West got lots of TV airplay. VCRs wouldn't be available for a few years, so I watched as many of these films on TV as humanly possible.

  3. The Films Of W.C. Fields by Donald Deschner is one of the very first books other than Dr. Seuss I read, along with Leonard Maltin's Movie Comedy Teams. There are still a bunch of titles (TWO FLAMING YOUTHS, FOOLS FOR LUCK) mentioned which remain lost; these films might be lousy, but feature interesting and odd casts.
