Friday, May 24, 2024

Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2024

Today, we remember those who served - and those we miss - on Memorial Day weekend, with heaping helpings of fun and laughs. Many of us of a certain age had dads and moms who served with distinction in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and WACS.

Of all the classic film comedies about the military, this writer thinks it is good bet that their favorite - indeed, one of the very best comedies from the 1940's - would have been Howard Hawks' 1947 film I Was A Male War Bride. As great a light comedian as Cary Grant is, and he's terrific as usual in this, the stellar performance of Ann Sheridan puts this post WW2 comedy over the top.

No doubt a close runner-up for the greatest generation - and easily this blogger's WW2 vet father's fave - was Mister Roberts. Always enjoy watching it just because all-time greats Jack Lemmon, Henry Fonda, Jimmy Cagney and William Powell - we love 'em all - are in the same movie.

Can't have Memorial Day entertainment without a little slapstick, so next up is The Three Stooges in HALF SHOT SHOOTERS (1936). This Moe-Larry-Curly opus, directed by Jack "Preston Black" White, remains a momentous occasion in silver screen comedy, as it features the first appearance with the Stooges of all-star supporting player and perennial sultan of scorn Vernon Dent!

Universal's comedy team of Bud Abbott & Lou Costello practically specialized in service comedies.

All of them - Buck Privates, In The Navy, Keep 'Em Flying, Buck Privates Come Home - play very well on Memorial Day.

The A&C flick this classic movie fan has a soft spot for is The Time Of Their Lives. It isn't a service comedy per se but does feature an unusual storyline featuring Lou as a goofball ghost from, not World War I or World War II, but the Revolutionary War.

The gang at Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog considers The Time Of Their Lives among Bud & Lou's best feature films and a good pick for Memorial Day weekend comedy.

To top off today's post, here's a very early Laurel & Hardy 2-reeler from 1927.

While pondering the slapstick of L&H and whether to follow the boys with Chaplin and Keaton, we wish all a happy Memorial Day weekend.

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