Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog Is Now On Hiatus

Monsieur Blogmester a.k.a. Paul F. Etcheverry, happy in NYC

Due to a death in the family, this blog and blogger are officially on hiatus for an indeterminate period. Cannot overstate the extent to which condolences received thus far are very much appreciated.

Mary Ellen Hubbard Etcheverry (April 7, 1924 - September 19, 2016)

Have no clue how long this hiatus will be. There are uncompleted posts in the pipeline and it is possible I will recycle/revise/rewrite older posts I liked a great deal.

Whenever the weekly blog posts resume, without a doubt, there shall be - in the inevitable Shameless Self-Promotion department - items plugging upcoming old school 16mm film shows, a program That Darn Blogmeister will be doing with Jeff Sanford's Cartoon Jazz Septet in Felton, CA as well as the upcoming (and as of yet unannounced) KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival on December 3, 2016 at Foothill College in the Los Altos Hills, CA.

Mostly, it's sayonara, baby . . . for awhile. Friends of Paul the Blogmeister know what to do, but it bears repeating - please call or e-mail him, as he will be largely staying away from that ongoing ugly, sickening tire fire known as "social media" . . . unless it's to follow a cool tweet about music by Van Dyke Parks, of course.


  1. Darling photo of your mother! Enjoy the break from the web. Thinking of you....

  2. My sincere condolences, Paul.

  3. Thanks, migma and thank you for your e-mail and wonderful book about your time caregiving for your mother, Tinky.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I am sorry for your loss. We wish you well.
