Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Burt Bacharach Day

Between classic animation and music, it's tough to say what Your Blogmeister loves more - only "Sneaky Pete" Kleinow, who played blazing pedal steel guitar AND created stop-motion magic with Art Clokey, could lay a claim on both - but pianist Bill Evans invariably tops the list, whether covering other composers or playing his own great songs.

Not only does Bill sound fantastic: along with saxophone genius Rahsaan Roland Kirk, he was among the exceptionally rare master jazz musicians to tackle the deceptively complex pop songcraft of Burt Bacharach.

The 20th of the month has come along, so it is, indeed, this blog's designated Burt Bacharach Day. And who is responsible for some of the greatest, most thoughtful and musically satisfying covers of Burt Bacharach compositions? Of course, Mr. Evans himself. Take it away, Bill!

Bacharach's music invariably conceals a harmonic/melodic wallop within those 1960's velvet pop trappings. Bill knew this. So did Rahsaan. R.I.P. - and there aren't enough thanks!

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