Friday, March 01, 2013

Sheet Music, 1928-1932 Style

Kudos and a tip of the Jimmie Hatlo top hat to sheet music collector and friend of this blog Kitten On The Keys for the following awesome late 1920's time capsules - and further Bravos and Huzzahs (plus TWO top hat tips) to the expert on Broadway and film music who posted the following rarities, making them available to this correspondent in the first place, Mark Forer.

The following were for songs from now long lost films starring quintessential platinum blonde Alice White, a.k.a. The Princess Of Pep and a huge star in the early days of talkies.

And this blog also extends tips of the Jimmie Hatlo top hat to Clara Bow, Alice White, Eddie Cantor, Lupe Velez, Marlene Dietrich, Cary Grant and Bing Crosby: great stars all.


  1. How 'bout tippin'' a Hatlo Hatt to me, the fella that collects these rare sheets and posted them originally!?

  2. Done! And apologies for the belated top hat tip.
