Sunday, February 13, 2011

This Sputtering Blog

Your correspondent, post-oyster consumption

And now for something completely different - a rare moment with the writer of "Way Too Damn Lazy To Write" this blog, which appears to be running out of steam after 460 motley entries.

Largely due to ongoing and pesky (as well as very Food Network unfriendly) health issues, I find that my will to continue posting is at least half-diminished, if not as diminished as a Django Reinhardt uber-riff-flourish running the entire fretboard of his beloved Macaferri.

The links section here spotlights a fair number of bloggers who
not only post frequently, but direct a tremendous amount of time, effort and writing chutzpah into their blogs.

Today, instead of actually writing a blog entry, I'll just pick one from the aforementioned links to recommend with The Psychotronic Paul Seal Of Approval: John McElwee's Greenbriar Picture Shows, just one among many amazing sources of enthusiastic, thoughtful and well-researched information about classic films.


  1. John W3:47 PM

    Aw man don't leave us now! I just discovered your FANTASTIC blog this past month, and enjoy it more than life itself. Well...maybe not THAT much, but still....

  2. Thanks, John W!

    I am not leaving, just slowing down a bit - and fully intend to crank out blog posting #500 later in the year.

  3. The stats revealing that many of my postings register 0 pageviews have not helped my desire to continue. Got a tiny little spike in readership last week from links to my film noir postings.
