Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Scopitone Alert

This one has everything I love about Scopitones: that certain innocent pre-psychedelia 60's period flavor, Phil Spector-ish orchestrations, random beehived bikined babes bopping for no apparent reason, a cheesy "funtime at the Santa Monica pier" amusement park backdrop, an indescribably bizarre moment involving the Peppy The Musical Clown pinball machine - and, last but not least, the harmonizing of Dick & Dee Dee!


  1. The scene with the mechanical horsie ride was a total pre-code nudge-nudge-wink-wink stroke of genius.

  2. Indeed, this rates high on the "nudge nudge, wink wink" scale, even among Scopitones.

    I also find Dick and Dee Dee earnest and charming. There's no "showbiz" pretense about them.
